When creating a webhook, you can choose to subscribe to specific event triggers tied to API operations that will invoke your webhook and deliver the event's information through the payload. The sections below lists the available event triggers and their associated URIs or change type values for organization and feature service webhooks.
Unlike organization and feature service webhooks, geoprocessing service webhooks do not have user-defined event triggers. Geoprocessing service webhooks deliver payloads once a geoprocessing job is complete. For more information on the payloads delivered for geoprocessing services, see the Payloads topic.
Organization item events
The following table lists the event triggers for your organization's items, which include web maps, web apps, layers, packages, and PDFs:
Event trigger | URI |
All trigger events for all items | /items |
An item is added to the portal | /items/add |
Any item is deleted | /items/delete |
Any item is updated | /items/update |
Any item is moved or its ownership is changed | /items/move |
Any item is published | /items/publish |
Any item is shared | /items/share |
Any item is unshared | /items/unshare |
The ownership of any item is reassigned | /items/reassign |
All trigger events for a specific item | /items/<itemID> |
A specific item is deleted | /items/<itemID>/delete |
A specific item's properties are updated Note:The item properties that can be updated vary between item types, and there are unique actions that trigger the Update operation. For example, if the item is a web map, updating the tag, configuring a pop-up, or changing the basemap are all update events that trigger the webhook. | /items/<itemID>/update |
A specific item's ownership is changed or the item is moved | /items/<itemID>/move |
A specific item is published | /items/<itemID>/publish |
A specific item is shared | /items/<itemID>/share |
A specific item is unshared | /items/<itemID>/unshare |
The ownership of a specific item is reassigned | /items/<itemID>/reassign |
Item event trigger properties
Some of the event triggers for organization items return additional properties in their payloads. The sections below outline the additional payload properties for these triggers.
A specific item is shared
Webhooks that subscribe to the /items/<itemID>/share event trigger have the sharedToGroups property included in their payload. The sharedToGroups property specifies how an item was shared. If the item was shared with a group, the properties JSON object includes the ID for each group the item was shared with. If the item was shared with the organization as a whole, the object includes Organization. If the item was shared publicly, the object includes Everyone. The example below demonstrates sharing an item to specific groups, as well as sharing an item both publicly and to specific groups.
"properties": {
"sharedToGroups": [
//Everyone and groupIDs
"properties": {
"sharedToGroups": [
Ownership of any item is reassigned
Webhooks that subscribe to the /items/reassign event trigger have the reassignedTo property included in their payload. The reassignedTo property specifies the new user an item or group is reassigned to, returning the username of the new owner in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"reassignedTo": ["newOwner"]
A specific item is unshared
Webhooks that subscribe to the /items/<itemID>/unshare event trigger have the unsharedFromGroups property included in their payload. The unsharedFromGroups property specifies how an item was unshared. If the item was unshared from a group, the properties JSON object will include the IDs for each group the item was unshared from. If the item was unshared from the organization as a whole, the object includes Organization. If the item was unshared from the public, the object includes Everyone. The example properties below demonstrate unsharing an item from the public, as well as unsharing an item from a specific group.
"properties": {
"unsharedFromGroups": ["Everyone"]
"properties": {
"unsharedFromGroups": [
Ownership of a specific item is reassigned
Webhooks that subscribe to the /items/<itemID>/reassign event trigger have the reassignedTo property included in their payload. The reassignedTo property specifies the new user an item or group is assigned to, returning the username of the new owner in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"reassignedTo": ["newOwner"]
Organization group events
The following table lists the event triggers for your organization's groups:
Event trigger | URI |
All trigger events for all groups | /groups |
A group is added | /groups/add |
Any group is updated | /groups/update |
Any group is deleted | /groups/delete |
Delete Protection is enabled for any group | /groups/protect |
Delete Protection is disabled for any group | /groups/unprotect |
A user is invited to any group | /groups/invite |
A user is added to any group | /groups/addUsers |
A user is removed from any group | /groups/removeUsers |
A user's role is updated in any group | /groups/updateUsers |
The ownership for any group is reassigned | /groups/reassign |
All trigger events for a specific group | /groups/<groupID> |
A specific group is updated Note:Any general changes made to the group settings constitute an update. For example, changing a group's access will trigger an update event. | /groups/<groupID>/update |
A specific group is deleted | /groups/<groupID>/delete |
Delete Protection is enabled for a specific group | /groups/<groupID>/protect |
Delete Protection is disabled for a specific group | /groups/<groupID>/unprotect |
A user is invited to a specific group | /groups/<groupID>/invite |
A user is added to a specific group | /groups/<groupID>/addUsers |
A user is removed from a specific group | /groups/<groupID>/removeUsers |
A user's role is updated in a specific group | /groups/<groupID>/updateUsers |
The ownership for a specific group is reassigned | /groups/<groupID>/reassign |
An item is shared to a group | /groups/<groupID>/itemShare |
An item is unshared from a specific group | /groups/<groupID>/itemUnshare |
Group event trigger properties
Some of the event triggers for organization groups return additional properties in the payload. The sections below outline the additional payload properties for these triggers.
A user is invited to a specific group
Webhooks that subscribe to the /groups/<groupID>/invite event trigger have the invitedUserNames property included in their payload. The invitedUserNames property specifies the usernames of users invited to a group, returning a list of usernames in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"invitedUserNames": [
A user is added to a specific group
Webhooks that subscribe to the /groups/<groupID>/addUsers event trigger have the addedUserNames property included in their payload. The addedUserNames property specifies the usernames of users who have been added to a group, returning a list of usernames in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"addedUserNames": [
A user is removed from a specific group
Webhooks that subscribe to the /groups/<groupID>/removeUsers have the removeUserNames property included in their payload. The removeUserNames property specifies the usernames of users removed from a group, returning a list of usernames in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"removedUserNames": [
A user's role is updated in a specific group
Webhooks that subscribe to the /groups/<groupID>/updateUsers have the updateUserNames property included in their payload. The updateUserNames property specifies the usernames of users whose group roles have been updated, returning a list of usernames in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"updatedUserNames": [
An item is shared to a group
Webhooks that subscribe to the /groups/<groupID>/itemShare have the sharedItems property included in their payload. The sharedItems property specifies the itemID and item type of the item shared to a group, returning this information in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"sharedItems": [
"itemId": "6cd80cb32d4a4b4d858a020e57fba7b1",
"itemType": "Map Package"
An item is unshared from a specific group
Webhooks that subscribe to the /groups/<groupID>/itemUnshare have the unsharedItems property included in their payload. The unsharedItems property specifies the itemID and item type of the item unshared from a group, returning this information in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"unsharedItems": [
"itemId": "7dd95fadaec84859ab8ed1059e675e0c",
"itemType": "Image"
Organization user events
The following table lists the event triggers for your organization's users:
Event trigger | URI |
All trigger events for all users in the portal | /users |
A user is added to the organization | /users/add |
Any user has signed in to the portal | /users/signin |
Any user has signed out of the portal | /users/signout |
Any user is deleted | /users/delete |
Any user's profile is updated Note:An update event is triggered any time a change is made to the user's profile. However, changes made to a user's role, user type, or license are not considered an update to the user's profile. | /users/update |
Any user's account is disabled | /users/disable |
Any user's account is enabled | /users/enable |
Any user is assigned a new role | /users/updateUserRole |
Any user is assigned a new user type | /users/updateUserLicenseType |
All trigger events associated with a specific user | /users/<username> |
A specified user has signed into the portal | /users/<username>/signIn |
A specified user has signed out of the portal | /users/<username>/signOut |
A specific user is deleted | /users/<username>/delete |
A specific user's profile is updated Note:An update event is triggered any time a change is made to the user's profile. However, changes made to a user's role, user type, or license are not considered an update to the user's profile. | /users/<username>/update |
A specific user's account is disabled | /users/<username>/disable |
A specific user's account is enabled | /users/<username>/enable |
A specific user is assigned a new role | /users/<username>/updateUserRole |
A specific user is assigned a new user type | /users/<username>/updateUserLicenseType |
User event trigger properties
Some of the event triggers for organization users return additional properties in the payload. The sections below outline the additional payload properties for these triggers.
A specific user is assigned a new role
Webhooks that subscribe to the /users/<username>/updateUserRole have the userRoleUpdatedTo property included in their payload. The userRoleUpdatedTo property specifies the new role the user is assigned, returning the new role in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"userRoleUpdatedTo": ["New role"]
A specific user is assigned a new user type
Webhooks that subscribe to the /users/<username>/updateUserLicenseType have the userLicenseTypeUpdatedTo property included in their payload. The userLicenseTypeUpdatedTo property specifies the new user type that a user is assigned, returning the new user type in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"userLicenseTypeUpdatedTo": ["Editor"]
Organization role events
The following table lists the event triggers for your organization's user roles:
Event trigger | URI |
All trigger events for all roles in the portal | /roles |
A new role is created | /roles/add |
An existing role is updated Note:An update event is trigged any time a change is made to your organization's roles. | /roles/updated |
An existing role is deleted | /roles/delete |
Role event trigger properties
Some of the event triggers for organization roles return additional properties in the payload. The section below outlines the additional payload properties for these triggers.
A new role is created
Webhooks that subscribe to the /roles/add event trigger have the name property included in their payload. The name property specifies the name of the role that was created, returning the role's name in the properties JSON object.
"properties": {
"name": ["New role"]
Feature service events
At this release, service webhooks are beta features. While in beta, these features may not be feature complete and as such may have known performance or quality issues. While in beta, these features will not be supported by Esri Technical Support. To receive limited assistance with geoprocessing and feature service webhooks, and to leave feedback on their functionality, refer to their dedicated Early Adopter Community (EAP) site or forum. For more information on beta features in ArcGIS Enterprise, see Beta features.
The following table lists the event triggers for feature service webhooks:
Event trigger | Value |
Any event is triggered | * |
A new feature service is created | FeaturesCreated |
A feature service is updated | FeaturesUpdated |
A feature service is deleted | FeaturesDeleted |
A feature service is edited | FeaturesEdited |
A new attachment is added to a feature service | AttachmentsCreated |
A feature service attachment is updated | AttachmentsUpdated |
A feature service attachment is deleted | AttachmentsDeleted |
A feature layer's schema is changed | LayerSchemaChanged |
A feature layer definition is changed | LayerDefinitionChanged |
A feature service definition is changed | FeatureServiceDefinitionChanged |